
What is slab jacking?

No matter where you live, you’ll see concrete forms somewhere, whether in a city or in the country. If you live in a house, there’s definitely concrete in that foundation. Over time, concrete can move and begin to sink – this is where the slab jack process comes into play. Slab jacking is the process of lifting sunken concrete slab and relevelling it to its as-built condition.

Unlike the more traditional method of foundation repairs, which jacks up the entire building and then fills beneath it, slab jacking is a more cost-effective and less time-consuming process. It is achieved by drilling holes in settled slabs or footings and injecting through the holes with polyurethane resin. Eventually, when enough polyurethane resin is injected beneath the footings, the force from this specialised resin will create enough pressure to raise and relevel the structure back into its original position.

This method is particularly effective for sinking concrete slabs, homes foundation, commercial buildings, and even pool surrounds. It ensures minimal disruption while achieving significant soil stabilisation and improving the bearing capacity of the ground beneath. It can be used for residential projects and public buildings, ensuring all structures are safe and level.

What does slab jacking achieve?

Slab jacking addresses a range of issues, from minor foundational shifts to significant structural subsidence. It ensures long-lasting results due to the durable materials used, providing peace of mind for property owners.

One of the main things that concrete slab jacking achieves is that it restores subsided structures back to level. Slab jacking is the most convenient concrete levelling solution. We use an expanding resin to improve the strength and bearing capacity of the foundations. As such, the structural polyurethane resin sets in seconds and gives us a high level of control over this structure with lift and areas that are being treated, rather than traditional concrete underpinning, which can take days. Slab jacking in this fashion can be compared with keyhole surgery, a quick and relatively easy method of re-levelling your concrete footing.

What does slab jacking achieve?

Slab jacking addresses a range of issues, from minor foundational shifts to significant structural subsidence. It ensures long-lasting results due to the durable materials used, providing peace of mind for property owners.

One of the main things that concrete slab jacking achieves is that it restores subsided structures back to level. Slab jacking is the most convenient concrete levelling solution. We use an expanding resin to improve the strength and bearing capacity of the foundations. As such, the structural polyurethane resin sets in seconds and gives us a high level of control over this structure with lift and areas that are being treated, rather than traditional concrete underpinning, which can take days. Slab jacking in this fashion can be compared with keyhole surgery, a quick and relatively easy method of re-levelling your concrete footing.

What causes the need for slab jacking?

Concrete moves over time for a wide variety of reasons – no matter how solid you might think your foundation is, chances are, it may need to be slab jacked at some point during its lifetime. This can be due to the structure being poorly constructed or the foundations being improperly compacted, resulting in settlement.

It can also be due to changes in the environment, climate and indeed soil. Say you’re in a part of the country that is built on reactive clay soil types which are notorious for seasonal volumetric changes. These shrink-swell cycles can often impact the structure and manifest as cracks or damage.

If you’re purchasing or have purchased an older home that shows symptoms of subsidence, you’re going to want to get your foundation inspected by Raise and Relevel. This will ensure that whatever was originally constructed is still good to go before you start doing any other renovation work.

What signs are there that you’ll need slab jacking?

There are several key signs to look for when inspecting your foundation. For instance, if you start seeing cracked walls – that’s a big sign that something is wrong with your foundation. Another thing to look out for is uneven flooring on the ground floor. You can also perform a visual inspection of your crawlspace to ensure that there’s no excessive moisture or separated piers.

If you notice sinking concrete slabs or uneven concrete, it could indicate deeper structural issues requiring immediate attention. Also, check your doorways and windows to see if they’re jamming. Jammed doors and windows are another tell-tale sign that something is wrong with your foundation – your doorways should not be crooked! Remember, it’s important that you have timely intervention to maintain the structural integrity and bearing capacity of your property.

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